Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ondoy, etc.

Lessons I learned from Ondoy:

1. Money and riches are destroyable by flood (as well as fire).

2. Cebu (alone) has over a thousand sacks of disposable goods, foods and clothes; which could perhaps help evacuation centers for weeks.

3. People unite when there's a calamity, but this unity is temporary and usually disappears when everybody is feeling better. Like a battle trance of sorts.

4. Politicians jump at the opportunity (when people are feeling down and depressed) to campaign, which makes me wonder if they have any tact at all. (Seriously, it's as tactful as campaigning during a funeral.)

5. Some people (I won't say names) feel so high and mighty that the flood didn't happen to them or to where they are. Although there are high crime rates in those areas, not all who died (per se) were "sinners".

More lessons I learned from everything else that happened to this country:

1. Politicians, who campaign during calamities, suddenly top my "people I don't have respect for" list.

2. A little prayer goes a long way.

3. If people are in the verge of death, they are bound to get more creative, resourceful, inventive and instinctive than ever.

MY NEW "PEOPLE I DON'T HAVE RESPECT FOR" LIST: (as of October 6, 2009)

1. Politicians, who campaign during calamities (new)

2. Home-wreckers (used to be #1)

3. Wife-and-children-beaters (used to be #2)

4. Child-molesters. (used to be #5)

5. People who don't play fair. Cheaters or otherwise. (new)

6. People who discriminate. (used to be #3)

7. People who "commit" to someone yet still "plays around" with another person. Adulterers and "players". (new)

8. Men who value their pride above all else. (used to be #4)

9. Women who don't have enough pride to know when to stop loving an abusive man. (used to be #6)

10. People who SWEAR they're telling the truth even if they're lying. (used to be #7)

dropped out of the top 10 list (until further notice):

- Fake/ plastic people.

- Ass-kissers.

- Freeloaders.

*I just realized that these three characteristics I can some up in ONE name, which is already a given. So I need not include them.

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