Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ry's Ayala Debut

    So after months of staring at our backs as we get into the car and leave for the mall, Ry finally gets her own chance! Welcome to the wonderful world of Ayala Ry! (I was not paid to advertise this particullar mall.)

10 things I learned during this 4-hour experience:

1. Ry doesn't like strangers. Relatives or otherwise.

2. Don loves me so much. ♥ He carried Ry and took care of her most of the time during the trip, I finally had time to RELAX! ♥

3. Ry is a very patient baby. REALLY patient. There was this kid that was throwing a tantrum in front of everybody, which got me thinking "woooooh!! good thing that ain't my kid!".

    (Of course Ry doesn't know how to throw tantrums yet... But she's still a baby and she sat through the whole thing without complaint. We went to Touchpoint; waited for my aunt and grandmother; ate at McDonalds; waited some more (for my mom and sister who went to Watson's and National Book store); and she waited some more as we bought make-up and such. Four hours total, and not a single complaint. I ♥ Ry!)

4. Ry loves french fries. And when I say love, I mean can-eat-it-for-over-thirty-minutes-and-not-get-tired-of-it love.♥

5. Never get fake eyelashes, especially if you're wearing glasses. Don't ask, just do (or in this case, NOT DO).

6. Ry loves Timezone. Or if she doesn't... "I" love Timezone. And Don too... He loves Timezone. (hmmm... I should really get paid for this... haha.)

7. Halo-Halo Zagu is one of the best ideas anyone has ever had.♥

8. Shawarma is always a good filler when McDonalds isn't enough.♥

9. Ry likes being cuddled.♥ Doesn't everyone?

10. When having plans of sleeping in the APV, always bring PILLOWS... But Don's shoulder will have to suffice.


  1. hala!!...FRENCH FRIES?..namnam!!..good sense of taste ry..hahha^^

  2. hahah... >.< yeeees... french fries.
