Friday, January 8, 2010

Backtrack 1: Ry's birthday

It has been almost two months and it feels nostalgic.

I've written this entry (in my head over) and over but I couldn't seem to find the time to put it in cyberpaper. (cyberpaper? making-up terms much...!?)
An event passes, and then another... Things i have forgotten, that i would have wanted to remember.
Maybe if I tried reliving the days one by one I might recall?

Let's see...

The last date on the blog said November 22, that's 2 days after Ry's birthday and yet I wrote about our "beloved" teacher.

Since I failed to write about Ry's birthday, I will write about it now!

NOVEMBER 20, 2009

Ry is officially one year old! So, like any parent would do on her child's birthday, I gathered up my friends for the party. As did Don his. I invited a few others but I guess the invitation got lost in the mail since none of them ever made contact...

So yeah. I just discovered that taxi drivers are really really "annoying" (I would've wanted to use a more accurate term but refrained since the term is considered "profanity"). They wouldn't let us ride just because there are 5 of us, then they wouldn't let us ride (when there were 4 of us left) because of the destination (Consolacion) which is roughly a hundred or so pesos worth of taxi fare. It was a saturday so I guess their greed got the most of them. We waited for almost an hour for a taxi and even got there a little later than Don and his friends who just went there by jeepney. (I promised myself I would not rant about taxi drivers because they contribute a lot to society so I will end my rant here.)

If November 20 seems like a familiar date to you, that's probably because you've heard about the Voyager Tournament, which was postponed from the 13th. It was a big DotA (Defense of the Ancients... that's a game played in Warcraft...) tournament in Cebu with a 10,000-peso cash prize for the champion.

So if you were in my shoes, how do you tell your husband to give up the chance of winning 10,000 pesos (and possibly alienating his friends in the process) so he could spend more time with his daughter at her birthday?

You can't, Without any consequential drama or grudge-holding.

So I kept my mouth shut about it and just let him (and his friends) leave. And while he was gone, my parents thought of him as an irresponsible father.

In his defense: Firstly, I know a LOT of fathers (including mine) who don't stay long enough to endure birthday parties. Secondly, they have NO IDEA whatsoever what he was going to do with the money... or that they have been having budget problems at his house.

But eventually the deed was made into an issue. One that I can't quite forget. When Don's mom asked him where he was headed to and if he had class, Don's sister made the comment "DotA class." Of course my parents heard it. They detested DotA. Made my life hell for playing it.

So imagine my "delight" upon hearing the comment.

Yes... keep imagining...

I fueled, fumed and spontaneously combusted. I walked throughout the entire village just so that my head would cool down but how could it? I knew what was going to happen next (I can predict the future...^^)... (and I was right about my prediction then by the way...)

So yeah. I got accused of being a bad host because I wouldn't go and entertain Don's relatives.
In my defense: I have always been a person who expressed myself openly (regardless of how embarassing it might be), and I knew myself enough that I would end up saying harsh words to his sister... and the in-laws would think sourly of me. So rather than  destroying the relationship between me and his relatives, I chose to keep my mouth shut and just let them "judge" me for not entertaining them. Because I don't talk when I know that what I'm about to say could be permanently scarring (unless I absolutely loathe you then I could perhaps make the necessary exemption).

Just for the record. Had she not spoken that tactless comment, I would have entertained them rather than my own friends (most of which I haven't seen in ages by the way...).

I also knew then that they would make some kind of whatever about me. And I was right. Of course I was furious when I found out. Like "wow... now it's MY fault." She should know better than anyone that my dad punched me and kicked me in front of people in an internet cafe just for standing there. How can she expect me to smile and "entertain" like nothing has happened?

So yeah. As usual, I'm the bad guy for defending him.

But of course, Ry's birthday wasn't all bad... Well, except maybe for THAT part... But at least long-lost Lei came! I had to call her to guilt her into coming...^^ hahaha.

Hmmm... maybe I am bipolar. I'm going from angry to happy much too fast methinks.