Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 14 — A non-fictional book

I think this is the only non-fiction I've ever read... ever. So if this is fiction, that means I've never read non-fiction.^^

Day 13 — A Fictional Book

"All Around the Town" by Mary Higgins Clark.

If Pandora had her box... Gama had this book.

I'm going to edit this post soon.

Day 12 — Whatever tickles my fancy (part 2)


Unfortunately my topic cannot be described in writing... So have fun listening to the random links I'm posting.

Day 11 — A Photo of Me (taken recently)

This was taken during the AiCon in Parkmall...

Buguya jud naku ug barog oi... O.O hahaha.^^ (i don't wanna make mushy essays over photos kay the photo should speak for itself.)

Day 10 — A Photo of Me (taken over ten years ago)

Guess where I am!^^ Ahahaha...

Day 09 — A Photo I Took

This was taken with a webcam when baby Audrey Comaingking was only a few days old... I love this photo and this is the first time ever that I'm posting this in the internet.♥♥♥

Day 8: A Photo That Makes Me Sad or Angry

This photo was taken during Mabz's despedida party (farewell party)... She was going back to Australia, leaving behind her friends and her beau Mavz (in case you don't know them personally... Mabz is the girl in black and Mavz is the guy holding her... obviously.)

This photo makes me sad because the last time I checked in facebook, both were missing each other terribly... T_T

This is for you guys.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 7: A Photo That Makes Me Happy

This photo makes me happy because of the following reasons:

1. It is a picture of the two most important people in my life: Don and Audrey.

2. I took this picture and as I started to click the capture button, Ry reached for me. She always has this priceless expression on her face whenever she wants me to pick her up.

Don and Ry make me happy.^^

Day 6: Whatever tickles my fancy


As a child, I knew very few about fashion... And I always assumed that:

- Dresses were something my grandmother gave me to look less like a boy and more like a girl (I always used to have bob cut or barber's cut and many people assume I'm a boy)...

- There were no standards (or color coordination) for shoes, watches, shirts, shorts and pants. Or sometimes it's over-coordinated (matching shirt, shorts, shoes and bag...) for such was the era I was born into.

- I can wear things until they were too small for me to fit into.

- Shades were something you flipped over to imitate the "pink ranger".

- Bracelets were made from DMC and were usually the result of a project ni Home Economics.

- A red shirt should never go with blue pants.

- Shoes should be worn with socks.

- A black knapsack can go with anything.

- Make-up makes people look ugly.

- Lipstick= darker and dry lips.

So these were my beliefs. hahaha. I was so cute.^^

I like dressing up although I don't think I have the body or looks for it...^^ i like putting on make-up because looking good makes me happy (people staring at me is a plus)...^^

Lc`| paeiJwei= imba.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 5: Favorite Quote

"Most people don't understand me... 

I don't blame them. People like to misunderstand more often than they would like to understand."

This is my favorite quote... I made it up a few days back while I was thinking about my bipolar disorder.

Animals know what other animals are thinking... I don't see why humans (with our big brains and heart) can not.

I realized that while my goal has always been to understand people-- ask questions to know how their minds work-- some people (even family sometimes) really just choose not to sympathize.

I don't think that they have the inability to feel other people's pain. They just choose not to put themselves in that person's shoes... Or sometimes they're so overly self-righteous that they say things like "oh but if I was in her shoes, I'd be doing it so much better!".

But the funny thing is... with their inability to sympathize, they expect the world to mourn with their pain. Those that refuse to feel the discomfort (that others feel) are usually the once who cry out the hardest when they have the smallest of problems.

By sympathize, I don't mean you offer it to just about anybody. Mass murderers (while they might have had their own reasons for doing what they did) don't deserve any understanding (in my point of view) because they obviously never thought of the effect they'd have on a daughter or a son who would never have his/ her mother/father back. Whatever excuse they might have, I don't wanna hear them (see? I choose not to understand).

So who should we sympathize?

Take time to feel the pain of the little kid who has lost his mother to an abusive father...
... Or the battered wife who cannot fight back because of the obvious size disadvantage...
... Or the disheartened lawyer who wanted to fight for truth but eventually fell into the corruption that was expected of every lawyer...
... Or the person who just wants to sincerely make a difference but gets eaten up by the norms of tradition...

Everyone that understands, deserves our sympathy. Everyone that can't fight their own battles (by default) should be given a chance to have at least a weapon...

This entry goes out to every silent tear...
Every fake smile...
Every wrongful conviction...
Every broken heart...
Every hopeful child...
Every unfulfilled dream...
Every overused facade...

And every person who feels like today is the end of the world.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 4: Favorite Book

Harry Potter Books! (now I'm putting 7 instead of 1! cheating again!)

I am a big fan of the books but not of the movies (let's just make this clear).

I really don't know why... haha!

Day 4= DONE!!!

Day 3: Favorite Television Program

These three are my favorite television series! (Yes... I am cheating and putting 3 instead of 1... nyahahaha!)

Why do I like these?

1. They have funny-looking lead actors and pretty supporting women.

2. They have abilities that are close to my own. (Psych- his ability to pretend he is psychic. Mentalist- his ability to put pieces together. Lie to me- his ability to detect when someone is lying.)

3. The story lines and background are well-researched.

4. You don't need a super high IQ to understand their jokes... but you do need an above average one. Otherwise you would be laughing hollowly at a very witty joke (hence, giving away the fact that you did not understand a single word that was said...^^). Just because other people are laughing (coz they obviously understand the joke) doesn't mean you have to laugh too...

5. They rarely practice farce humor. Farce humor= for morons.

So yey! Day 3 is done!! Woooooot!! (I highly recommend you watch these... torrents are available when you search them...^^)

Day 2: Favorite Movie

If Only

There are so many movies I've seen (in my lifetime) but there are only a few that I would consider "favorite"... this particular movie is one of them.

If Only is about love. The kind of love that you can only find when you're in the brink of losing something/ someone very important to you (saying more would be a spoiler). The love that doesn't ask for anything more than the happiness of the one you're devoted to... The kind of love that some people would wait a lifetime to find (only to lose to their pride and selfish notions).

I realize that guys are particularly stupid when it comes to our feelings, wants and needs. They're either too dense, too stubborn or too lazy to even make an attempt to understand us. Sometimes they don't even notice that they hurt us (unintentionally?). This movie is a living testament of that.

Why this movie (out of all the other favorites)?

I like this movie because it's not pretentious nor preachy.

The guy is genuinely confused how to show his love for his girlfriend, and the girlfriend really wants to be her boyfriend's priority. Guys and girls think differently and expect different things from each other... sometimes, things that contradict each other. (example: guys want space to play games and have fun... girls want more time with boyfriend... etc.)

I had to review this movie with Don last night (because I needed inspiration in writing this entry.) and I cried (like the pathetic little girl I am).

So that's it for DAY 2 (which is actually VERY late.)